Identity Resolution for Transparency in Campaign Data

Entity Resolution
May 6, 2022

Along with the North Carolina Free Enterprise Foundation, the cool team at Crossroads CX is creating a free and easy way to access North Carolina campaign finance data. This provides transparency and enables the people in the state of North Carolina to understand money spending patterns within the state.

One set of data comes from digital records on the NCSBE website. Another majopr source is the scanned PDF reports in cases where the data was not submitted digitally. These reports are transcribed and used further. Proper analysis of the data involves a fair bit of data preparation, analysis and visualization. Identity resolution, matching up persons or organisations who are the same but represented differently in the different sources is super critical too for correct attribution of the funds.

When we open sourced Zingg, changing the status quo was something we secretly wished for.  Super happy to see the small change we are making by being a part of the tech stack for campaign finance data.

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